In any laptop computer, just about everything is under the keyboard.
Changing most components, except the battery, the CD and, sometimes, the hard drive involve opening the case, or, in this case, lifting up the keyboard to expose the motherboard.
You may try removing the screws, but there are often several plastic prongs/hooks holding the top and bottom parts of the casing. It's relatively easy to accidently break several of those.
Then, you may need to remove still more screws to actualy get to the top side of the motherboard. It's also possible that you may need to disconnect some, or even all, connectors, like the USB and the power connections.
If you do that, take some photos as you disassemble as well as writen notes to help you put everything back toggether correctly.
Good luck and I hope that you don't break anything.
Electro, December 2011