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cannot remove cassette from caravan as the open?close valve seems to be dis?

The open and close valve inside the loo can be manually moved from side to side but it doesn't move when using the lever. as a result we cannot get the standard C 250 cassette out of the caravan
Mr Nev Evans, January 2012
If you are still having problems read this.
It sounds like you broke the actuation arm that closes the blade by not closing fully before removing cassette previously. Go to the Thetford website and look out the Ask thetford send them online message how you can remove the cassette as it sounds like the broken part is stopping you from removing the cassette. Here is Thetford contact.

For those is Australia the access for pdf repair downloads may differ as I haven’t check if it changed like the Europe website.
On home page click on Products
Click on read more (Toilets)
Click on read more (cassette toilets)
Click on read more (C200)
Click on Service
Click on pdf Repair instructions- sanitation
Save file to computer then on disc for reference when in caravan obviously with DVD/CD player.

Lunar Solar owner.

Bob, January 2012
sounds like the valve blade handle has become detached or broken.look at the thetford website.lots of explode diagrams there to look at/help you out

caratech, January 2012