without a insulation test meter its trial and error iam afraid.
Firstly isolate the power and inspect the inside of the machine for any leaks,
look for any streaking from water marks.
Its possible that small amounts of water has got onto the electrical components,
if all appears good and no signs of leakage is visible,start troubleshooting the machine.
disconnect the motor by removing the wiring connector,
power the machine up and see if it trips.
If it doesn't,don't let the machine fill ,
now you know the motors got moisture inside it or its faulty,
if the machine still trips after disconnection of the motor, power down the machine and move onto the heating element.
replace the connector for the motor and remove the wiring from the heating element and insulate the wiring separately,don't join the wires together,not on that model.
Power on the machine and if it doesn't trip the powe,the element has either moisture on it causing a down to earth fault, or the element is shorted.
Just take care to isolate the power between tests,you don't want your hands in there when mains voltage is present.
Try the two procedures,and if you are not successful in the tripping issue then post back and we can resume troubleshooting.
paul, March 2012