you need to take the lid off first.. to do this you push down on the buttons, and hold them down, now turn the silver ring thats on the outside of the buttons to the left to unscrew it, you can now take the lid off, now take a look at the overflow pipe you will see it in the middle of the cistren and the water will be going down it and going into the bowel,if this is what you see? then its is easy to fix, it jusy means that water inlet ajuster has moved just a little and is not knocking off the water. so its over flowing back into the bowel as it should, if you look were the water is comming in,you will see a plastic bar with a nut on it, when you turn the nut it stops the water comming into the cistren or it lets more in. you need turn the nut to knock off the water before it reaches the top of the overflow pipe and set it there, and that will fix this problem,you can do all of this with the lid off, good luck,,
m, April 2012