It looks like an operating system related isue.
If you get that kind of error when attempting to open a file, it may be that a needed application is not installed, or that the association is broken. Open the programm that is suposed to be used and have it reclaim the file association. The exact procedure often vary, but you should look for a "Preferences..." or "Settings..." entry in the menu.
In some cases, the only way to repair the file association is to reinstall the programm.
If you get it when starting a programm or application, it mean that the installation for that programm is broken. You need to reinstall it.
If it's when starting some component of the operating system, like Window's explorer, you probably need to use the install DVD and perform a Repair operation. With Windows Vista and 7, it will preserve all your files and settings as well as any installed programms. It will undo any and all updated to the OS. Use the auto-update to get them back.
If you don't have the installation DVD, it's possible to download an ISO file and burn it to a DVD-R to get a useable install DVD. It will use your actual activation key.
Electro, October 2012