My grohedal cistern does not flush the correct amount of water when the romote button on the push plate, part No. 37 769/37 381, is pushed. Only a small amount of water flushes/is released when either the short or long flush buttons are pressed and they have to be held in manually to achieve this small flush. When I remove the flushing plate and manually lift the top of part No. 42 774 it flushes OK. I know the push plate is OK as I have a new spare one and this gives the same result. If I replace part No.42 774 will this solve the problem. If so how do I fit this part. If this is not the cause of the problem can you advise me of the fault and how to correct it.
Hello David,
Your best bet is to ring grohe and ask to speak to technical, they will talk you through various options to see if it makes a difference. Heres their number : 0871 200 3414
Steven Collins Rockall Plumbing Supplies, October 2012