1. How old is the chain saw and has it ever had a new plug if it oldish (2yrs) get a new plug.
2. Did you buy it from ukhs.tv? who seem to retail Wolf tools with broken W (\\/olf)?
3. Take the chain saw to a car or motor cycle dealer ship and ask for a spark plug tester which fits the plug and the plug lead fits the tester and as you pull the start cord you should see a spark in the tester window, if no spark it could be fuel flooding, the lead or something that generates the spark. If there is a spark then the next is to change the plug as although you see a spark it may be ‘Tracking’ to earth on body of the chainsaw. However yes it could be the delivery of the fuel/oil mix being too great so flooding the plugs spark point.
4. The other thing may be the spark gap set it to what the book says.
5. If you did get it from ukhs.tv and it is a \\/olf (broken W)product then look ukhs.tv up on the net and contact them. Don’t send it back it may pay you to have it sorted locally with ukhs.tv supplying spares.
6. They say these \\/olf tools are made in either China or Belgium, so assume spares aren’t a problem.
7. Post using the Answer sheet/form to your question how you get on it might help someone else.
Bob UK, April 2014