Agfa selecta 14?
Agfa selecta 14 ! yr old classed as a 'bridge' camera original priced at over £200 paid sale price £55 because new model came out, so classed 'old' stock gathering dust
Set to 'auto' one would expect it means the camera's brain would take over all settings, with operator assisting in focus pressing shutter button down halfway. However, it seems there may be a problem with W/B (white balance) where some colours seem to come out brighter than they should be, blue flowers come out almost white, red, pink, greens not so effected, taken in full sun.
Some also come out, out of focus, even though istructions followed. when the photo is taken the monitor view is first out of focus for a split second then comesi to focus but some still seem slightly out of focus and is anoying when holiday photo's that can't be repeated.
Should I do any of the following. 1. Read the user manual pdf cover to cover (too many pages to print looking at reducing copy to A6 double side print to save ink and a tree.)
2. experiment on all settings selecting the best...HuH!!!!
3.Give up photography leave it to 'er in doors' (she won't use mine)
Thanks for reading and those with advise.
Bob, August 2014