can i fix a different toilet seat on a ideal standard wc?
I think the model is ideal standard purity. One of the hinge screw is coming off. I m having difficulty in removing the hinges too as the hinge fittings are concealed. Can i replace the seat with any other make?
Thank you for your reply!
As just the seat's screw thread has gone can i use a bigger size screw to fix the seat? saw this tip on other site but not sure how long this kind of fix will work.
Its the screw under the cap that keeps turning and doesn't come off.
Any help would be appreciated.
Sam, April 2015
sure you can , you can adjust any toilet seat to fit the bowel, the old hing might just have a press on cover over the screws they should come off, cut them off if you have too with a hacksaw, there no good anyway.
m, April 2015
I can answer this question...
can i fix a different toilet seat on a ideal standard wc?