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simpson easyset 605?

i have a simpson easyset 605. the level switch stopped working. i was told to fill machine, take tube off vacuum switch, blow through it, crimp it to retain pressure in tube and then refit to switch. it then worked again but i have since removed it and refitted it while machine was empty and now it does not work. i cannot find any leaks. also the machine will not spin. does the vacuum switch play any part in activating the spin cycle once the pump has emptied the machine?
john, May 2015
Sounds like the tube is blocked with soap residue. If you can' take the tube off both ends and check it is clear. Check th econnection onto the machine drum is clear (you can blow thru it OK). It may be a failed switch but you should be able to ckeckthat easily enough using a battery and bulb (or a multimeter) and blowing into the switch (Only needs a fw inches of water pressure)

X, May 2015
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