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possible wire loose?

Hi, I have a poh716df..I pulled it out and cleaned behind it then it would not turn on when I tried to use it.. I pulled it out again, then it came on for about 30 seconds, then went off again. I have changed the fuse on the plug, and on the washer socket on the wall. Could you please tell me if you think it could be a loose wire conection ? Kind regards Tracy
Tracy Davies, August 2015
Tracy - something I forgot to consider - the fuse you changed - did you test it when you took the old one out - it may be that the machine is blowing fuses and the replacement fuse has been popped too.

You can test a fuse by putting it into another appliance - anything will do.

Good luck..., August 2015
Tracy - it is more likely to be a lose connection either in the plug - unless it's a moulded-on plug - or - at the back of the wall socket. Plug something else in and jiggle it about.

Of course I'm only guessing but I want it to be a dodgy socket for you because that's an easier fix.

Take care..., August 2015