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Hi my heating is working upstairs but not downstairs any ideas ? please help im freezing
Dee, December 2015
Try turning off all of your upstairs radiators and make sure both valves on all of your downstairs radiators are fully open, then run your heating. The downstairs rads should start to get hot if they don't there will be some sort of blockage in the pipe work or valve not opening. once they are hot downstairs turn back on your upstairs rads but just enough until they start to get hot (ie half a turn at a time).
This should resolve the issue temporary but you may need a blockage removing and / or a system power flush.

Hope this helps!

Super Dan the gas man, December 2015
You don't say much about your situation other than it's cold downstairs.

Given your seeming lack of awareness of your boiler and how the heating works I doubt you'd be able to fix it even if you did provide all the information...

Your best approach might be to call in a specialist boiler and heating engineer - do it soon as they get busy at this time of year.

Some boiler men are a bit naughty and change things as they guess what the problem might be - at your expense.

Stay by his side - ask constantly what he's doing and why he's doing it - if he decides to change a part ask why and ask what he intends if it doesn't work. It is very unlikely that two parts will have failed at the same time.

Even if he only changes for one part expect a large bill - about double what you first thought it might cost.

Good Luck..., December 2015