There are several things that could be keeping the main motor from running. The first thing to check would be the wiring in the handle of the hose, especially where the hose wires come together with the wiring of the switch. If those seem okay, move onto the other end of the hose, where those wires come together with the swivel connector. The swivel can be tested with an ohm meter for resistance. If the swivel checks out, the relay in the canister is in question, as is the overall condition of the motor--the carbon brushes could be worn down completely. The motor cover of the canister has 4 phillips screws holding it down--2 just underneath the bag door hinges, and 2 underneath the cord rewind button. The bag door comes off by pulling the bag door backward, and out of their holes, and you will need to pry off the rewind button to get to the screws. Also, check for an inline fuse in the motor compartment--these canisters don't usually have one, but keep an eye out for it. Most of the time the problem is in the wires of the handle. My email is
Help Around the House, December 2006