The burned component k15n60 is an IGBT semi conductor (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) commonly used as a high speed switch in motor control.
Electronic components do not usually just burn up - too much current because of a failure elsewhere is a typical cause. My suspicion is that the motor that the IGBT controls has developed a fault and the specification of the IGBT was exceeded by the current taken by the motor - the K15N60 is rated at 15 Amps 600 Volts.
I also suspect that the two resistors that show signs of burning are in the same motor control circuit. Quite likely the IGBT failed first and acted like a fuse - the resistors just got hot.
If you really need the value of these two R63 & R65 you might unsolder one end of each and measure them in isolation. Also by looking underneath you may actually see their colours.
nevertheless - you should be very suspicious of the motor.
Good Luck..., November 2016