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Two radiators have suddenly stopped heating. Help?

I have 8 radiators in my house, 2 of which are open (no TRVs). The downstairs one has stopped heating as has one of the other upstairs ones. The inlet pipe is roasting hot, but the heat is not getting into the rad. I have tried bleeding them but all that comes out is water. The whole system was flushed through last april, and Fernox added on the last fill. Don't think they need balanced because they WERE working fine, but within 3 days the two of them have stopped heating. I hate the thought of being without any heating!! Any ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Pamela, January 2007
Olly, it was one of the open (non trv-ed) rads which was my biggest problem. However, time and determination have fixed it. I have tried all the tips that have been given to me, and eventually i took a hose from the kitchen tap, connected it to the inlet pipe coming from the floor (rad was off wall by now) and flushed water down the pipe. Huge lump of rust flew out the drain valve outside, and voila! Radiator now heats very well!!!!

Pamela, February 2007
Just read your question through again- You say two of which are open- NO TRVs- I take it the two open ones are working?? If the faulty rads have a big white wheel with numbers on it then they are TRV controlled. Unclip the wheel by pulling the clip back, and pulling. There will be a little shaft of meatl sticking out of a brass collar. Get some pliers and give it tug. Not too hard or you will get hot water on your hands! It should give a tiny bit and you should get flow then. Stick the wheel back on, and it should work.

olly, January 2007
I know this may sound silly, but have you got the inlet AND the outlet valves open? I get about 10 calls a year due to this. If they are open then you have a flow problem. Bleed all the upstairs rads that work and then try. Look at getting an auto purge valve fitted to save future hassle.

ollylewin@hotmail.co.uk, January 2007
try turning off all rads that work switch off h/w on programmer if u have a airing cupboard turn off bypass valve this should b fitted before diverter valve and the heat should force its way round rads that are not working.

gas man dan, January 2007