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GE #JVM1650WB 001 does not heat the food?

My GE #JVM1650WB 001 does not heat the food everything else seems to work
Greg, February 2007
My guess is a blown diode in the high-voltage transformer circuit, preventing the transformer from generating the 2000 volts (more or less) needed to power the magnetron tube.

Blown diodes are the #2 cause of microwave oven failures.

A simple blown fuse is the #1 cause.

George Kelley, July 2008
If your unit was manufactured around 1999-2000, GE had a design problem with a part called the Antenna. It is located inside your microwave above the round white cover at the top of your cooking cavity. The actual reason your unit doesn't heat is probably the Magnetron. If your unit was built in the years I mentiond, GE didnt allow enough microwave energy to pass by the antenna eventually causing the mag to overheat and go bad. Even if you replace your mag, if you do not address the antenna issue your new mag will fail quickly. GE put out a kit to repair this issue, however at $145.00 your getting close enough to the cost of a new unit that you would be best to replace it.

James Bennett / A. C. & M. Service, May 2007
Quite often this is due to a bad door switch.

Opening the door while cooking (without first hitting the STOP pad) is the primary cause of door switch failure.

I have a text file called "doorsw.txt" which helps in diagnosing and repairing door switch problems, and a file called "safety.txt" which is of vital importance.

In my professional opinion, no one should work on a microwave unless they are fully informed and aware of the deadly hazards and necessary precautions.

You can find this information and in our safety and disassembly text files at

You can find safety and disassembly text files (as well as a text file which helps in diagnosing and repairing door switch problems) at

You can find handy exploded views, wiring diagrams and parts lists and also order parts for most other brands from the Pros here:

William E Miller †, March 2007