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how do hairdryers work?

im doing a topic at school and need to know how and what makes a hairdryer work
Paige Thomas, February 2007
go to howstuffworks.com

jen, February 2009
Wow! i am doing the same project in my science class! (secondary two) this is what i found: in a hair dryer, there are two parts, that are pushed together, and then pushed through the spout of the hair dryer. the first part is the heater, wich is an element placed in the hair dryer made of electrical wires wich are nickel and chromium. They are very good heat generators! The second part of the hair dryer is the fan, wich pushes the hot air out of the spout.

That's all i found! hope i helped =)

Anonimous Rerson =O, October 2008