Well it could be a number of reasons. Normally if its broadbanmd that you have then it will be either faulty microfilters or not enough microfilters. You should have amicrofilter on every single telephony device in your home. The reason for this is to split the analogue signal of the phone and the digital signal of BB. Just in case the microfilter is the small white box you get with your internet package that plugs into your master socket then you plug your BB and Telephone into that. Hope this helps.
Darren, August 2007
Cracking noise is caused by a faulty handset or a noisy line. For the former try bashing the handset. For the latter call your phone company.
Having said that your were tryng to use the Internet and the phone at the same time. Unless you have Broadband that will not work. If you no have Broadband, put ADSL Micro Filters on all your phones.