Not sure about sonicstage or mp3 rocket. Best thing to do would be to move all of your mp3s over to your new drive and delete them from your main drive. Any other larger files you might have should also be the first to move (for example, movies, pictures, etc.).
Make sure that you actually delete the files once you have copied them over (emptying the recycle bin if you send things to it). would be a good idea to empty the recycle bin anyway.
Ideally, you want about 5 gigabytes free on your main drive at least (no more than 10 will be necessary).
Make sure that you do actually install, update and run spybot s&d and adaware as mentioned in my other message as these kick ass. Install and update the two first (after you've moved your files etc.) and then reboot your pc in safe mode (press F8 as your computer is booting, keep pressing it until your boot options pop up). Safe mode will give the two programs better access to potential problems and allow them to delete more problematic files. If you are asked to restart at any point, do it.
If this helps, let me know, if not, there are more lenghtly processes we can go through, so, again, let me know.
If this does fix your machine, then allowing your main drive to defrag over night might add some slight improvement as you will have moved a lot of files, so defragging (re-organising the physical arrangement of the files) should make a small difference.
Another BIG ISSUE is that of the things that start when your computer starts. Make sure tha unnecessary programs such as MP3 rocket, sonicstage, Limewire and MSN are NOT set to start up automatically when your pc starts. Check out the options / preferences of each of the programs to find out how to do this. doing this will not stop you using the programs in the future.
Good luck for now, Dave
PR1N6L3M4N, March 2007