you should start with new or relitivly new heads. start with the top head (or batter), make sure when you tune start by making sure that the head is sitting centered on the shell. than put the rim ( or hoop ) on and install lug screws, finger tighten, and proceed by starting with one lug ( 1/4 turn at a time) then moving to the oppisite lug. continue untill you've gone completly around.make sure that each lug sounds the same ( by tapping on the head right by the lug) once youve reached a med tenion push down on the head moving all around the head. you will hear cracking ( dont worrie) it is just the glue cracking. if it pulls out it is probley a bad head! after you push on it for a minute it will detune, tune up again in the same fasion and get the lugs as close as possible.flip the drum over and repeat. start with tuning the heads the same tension and hear what it sound like by holding the drum with one hand and play the drum with a stick in the other . it should ring freely, now put it on the holder or stand and it should sound the same. if you have a drum that has a tom arm that goes through the drum, it will not sound the same, then it is up to you to experiment with the tunings of each to find that range where the drum rings freely.. good luck
jamo, April 2006