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How can I check the drivers installed on a Windows XP PC?

How can I check which drivers I am using? I use Windows XP.
Andrew Henman, September 2003
It is very easy, just go to my computer and then click on the control panel and then go to system tab and click on hardware tab and go to device manager and now u can find all the drivers that are installed on ur computer.another method is just install "belarec advisor" in ur system this software helps u to find all the drivers and scan all the driver and softwares installed on ur computer .to install this software log on to freepctech.com

nakul bindal, March 2007
Um... well that previous answer assumes that you still have the hardware plugged in. Since Windows keeps the drivers around even after you remove hardware, like if you upgrade a video card, then I'm not sure how...

Noah, May 2004
You can look up the drivers used by each device in the Control Panel.
Click on your Start Button. Then Settings > Control Panel. Double click on System and then select the Hardware Tab. Click the Device Manager Button and this will bring up a list of the devices used on your PC. Double click on the device you wish to check and select the Driver Tab. Lastly click on the Driver Details Button to see detailed information about your driver.

You can also use DXDiag. Click on your Start Button. Then select Run. Type "dxdiag" and click the OK Button. This will display the XP diagnostic tool. It is very simple to use. Follow the instructions on screen.

Ian M., September 2003