Yes error code fp has to do with blocked outlet in some way or faulty pump on whirlpool. Check Filter first.
In my case i could not find any blocking in the filter so i remowed the front cover for the machine AWM 8123 (3 screws behind the lower front plastic cover) Now i easily cold remove the pump to check the inlet and output hoses.
But nothing was found.. then i interested me for the pump that is selling as a replace unit.
When i took it apart.. the white plastic from the black i realize that when i pull the impeller in the enginepump part.. there is an area inside with washwater to... that is cooling the pump.. that hidden area in the engine part was full of sand and other debreze that caused malfunction to the pump.
Cleaning.. some oil in the bottom... put all stuff together again and voaila... works perfect!
Andypandy Sweden, May 2007