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Bad thunderstorm t.v. wont turn on?

What can I do to fix my t.v. there was a bad storm when I got home only 1 of 3 t.v.s will turn on.
Jason M, May 2004

The problem could be anything ranging from a blown fuse to (more likely) your horizontal output transistor having been shorted by the power surge, to (just as likely) a blown bridge rectifier circuit.

The horizontal transistor feeds voltage to the flyback transformer, eventually giving width to your picture; the ridge rectifier changes your households' AC voltage into DC (which is what your TV requires). Both are dangerous to measure, and if you are not a technician I would highly suggest you don't even try. If you take the unit to a repair shop I don't think the cost would be over $150 (if either of these problems is indeed what you are experiencing).

Grahams' TV Service
West Columbia, SC

Jim Lee- technician, May 2004