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how can i fix my caravan door?

i have a leaking caravan door. i have sealed any thing i think may be causing the problem, and have also replaced the door rubber. There is a very slight gap at the top and bottom of the door, and i am beginning to wonder if the door is bent! is there anything i could do instead of replacing the door. could it be the hinges? caravan is 1991 bailey scorpio.
SAM BROWN, June 2007
i have a broken bottom hinge on main in out door how can i replace it

roger, June 2010
hi there iv got a elddis vogue the door is shut its flush and when i open it the two doors seperate and when fully open it go' flush agen.

alan, January 2010
Try to assess if the caravan door is definitely bent by placing a straight edge against it, if it is the from inside the caravan gently pull the door shut until you can see where it is bent to, by placing a piece of timber between the door and the jam you can exert force on the door very slowly and straighten it, make sure that you keep rechecking the door or you may end up with it bending too far

Paul (Bristol), November 2008
There is a adjustment to make the door fit tighter to the chassis. If the door sticks out past the door frame it is most likely the door adjustment, if it fits tight, then the seal is probably compressed. Good luck

5bridgeroad, June 2007