has anybody removed your cylinders and got into your van. Expert, dispatch and scudo cylinders(pre 2007) can be removed with a thin screwdriver whilst wearing a boxing glove. Not a very good design. There are cylinders on the market which can be purchased and fitted for a cost of approx £300+. For this price you get five new cylinders which, instead of just clipping into place, are bolted instead.
If your cylinders are ok, then why not let Lem locksafe convert them for you and fit them in the same manner as the expensive version.
if your van is suffering from the ''spinning lock problem'', then we can usually cure this as well.
Why not have both problems cured at the same time.
if you need any info, or a quote for any work, then please email
and I will get back to you.
lem_locksafe(at)hotmail.co.u, November 2009