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how can i fix my 3 cord on my emachine?

Hi, my front part of my computer emachine computer came off and the pwr led and 2 other peaces came of the mother board. Now i cant start the computer. A total of three cords came off. Does any know how i can fix or put them back on
steve, July 2007
The 3 cords will fit onto pins at the front edge of the motherboard (probably!). They have to go in certain places and the ones connected to LEDS the right way round. Every computer is different. Hopefully the pins will be labeled (possibly with abbrivations suchas PWR S for power switch. They will hopefully match up to what the cords do.) The most important one for the operation of the computer is the power switch. The others are often useful but not cirtical to the machine working.

grantpe, October 2007
link Click here to see other fixes for emachine.