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washine machine, english electic, auto washer 1000?

my washine machine will not go on to the spin setting it is not blocked and the belt in still intact and working, at the top of the machine there is what i can only expain as looking like a altinator which has sparks in side that are only visible with the lid off
lea-ann, July 2007
The sparks are coming from the motor you will require new carbon brushes about £10- £15 switch appliance off and look for the white or black plastic holder on side of motor and towards the back there is a plastic clip to pop up using a flat blade screw driver and pull the carbon out change both and away you go.

Neil, July 2007
sounds like prob wi water level switch. Is pump running when spin cycle about to start? you say not blocked i take it u see water is being pumped away but no spin?? there is small level switch that operates when water (pressure) drops. these get blocked and sometimes need re-setting. think you need help

automatic, July 2007