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How do I get my clippers to go?

I recently tried to use my Babyliss Chrome Hair Clippers (model 693U), which have only been used 2 times previously. I dutifully removed the blades, cleaned and oiled them and placed them back as they were before. I switched the clippers on and turned the power screw clockwise then anticlockwise as instructed to adjust to the correct voltage level. The clippers sounded as if they were working, however on closer inspection the blades were not moving. Also there is a piece of black felt and I am not not sure where it belongs. Can anyone help?
Becky, July 2007
My BaByliss clippers hurt the skin . I’ve adjusted them to zero gap and it scrapes and causes tenderness on the skin. Can you help ?

Vanessa, May 2021
Becky. Remove the blades again. The 'Felt' you speak of has a small hole in the middle which goes over a plastic pin to stop hair entering the cutter mechanism.
This same pin, is shaped the same as the hole in the centre of the upper blade.
The upper blade should be pressed onto this plastic pin, gently, until it is flush. This blade should have the teeth pointing downwards.
Then, attach the lower blade with the teeth facing upwards and tighten the two screws, until they grip but NOT TOO TIGHT.
Oil and hey presto!

davymac, July 2009
link Click here to see other fixes for BaByliss.