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How can I fix my McCulloch MAC 3516 Anti-Vibration Chainsaw?

The Chainsaw is a McCulloch MAC 3516 Anti-Vibration 35cc 322773-00, model number 600035-17. The chainsaw will start initially but will not continue to run. The chainsaw will run for no more than 3 to 5 seconds. Adjusting the choke, and squeezing have not worked.

2 questions:
How can I fix this problem?
Were can the manual for this chainsaw be found? (on-line?)
Melissa and Mike H., July 2007
How do I remove the carborator from my Mac 3516

Mike, June 2015
carb is clean on my mac 3515 c saw. It seems to flood very easily and then won't start no matter where the settings are.

tony, September 2012
Most common problem for mac 3200, 3216,18 3516, etc. is the diaphram/fuel pump. As mentioned in another response, the fuel lines WILL crack after being stored and the fuel primer bulb will also need to be checked. I have approx. 35+ mac saw's that all have either walbro or zama carbs. They are very easy to rebuild and it's worth your time to do so.

J.T., June 2012
I have one of these. remove the primer bulb and check the condition of the gas lines connected to it

gerald, May 2010
were can i get a carbulator for my chainsaw?

martin, February 2010
sounds like you need a diaphram in the carb .go and get a carb kit for the carb. look on the carb to see if it is a walbro or zama and take the # off it ,should be something like wa-42 or wt-67 this will be the kit #. if the dia are hard or stiff there bad also setting the needle valve is critical. set the mixture screws to 1 12 from closed start and then make final adj.

ken, May 2008
Replace the fuel lines they are probably broken.
I found the answer here
parts lsit illustrated here

klaus, December 2007
My brother and I just took my 3516 pretty much apart except for removing the flywheel and oil pump. You can find a parts list at http://ipl.ordertree.com/ipl/327/Chainsaws_32cc-35cc-38cc_Anti-Vibe.pdf . Not sure where you can get a user manual online, I have a hard copy I could scan and email.

TPM, July 2007
it could be the diaphram inside the carb is farctured or split.if not sounds like a burnt valve.

dave, July 2007
link Click here to see other fixes for McCulloch.