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My Zanussi washer stains my clothes?

My Zanussi washer leaves a dark blue stain on my laundry especially T-shirts and towels. Only bleach clear the stain.
What can I do?
Jenny Vite, June 2004
i would advise at running your machine at a higher temp above 60celcious on it own. because thats the temperature that the dying may be wahsed out... apply some bleached as suggested

shan kurrim, May 2005
I think you have been dying cloths in your washing machine. Run the machine on a 40' cycle two or three times, using some bleach (try 1 cup). Don't run on hot cycle, because the bleach could produce chlorine gas. You could also try using the special bleach used to bleach clothes before you dye them.

Give it a try, it should work !

Calvin, June 2004
link Click here to see other fixes for Zanussi.