hi My computer has windows xp pro. version and I think it got a virus and now it will not start even in safe mode it is just a black screen with safe mode typed in 4 corners and the arrow mouse. I have a disk to restore it but it says you must run this cd while in windows. What should I do ? Please help.
Thank You Coleenc106@aol.com
most recovery Cd's should boot of without being in windows, thats the whole point of them, if windows does not work. Are you sure you have the correct disk
abc, May 2005
what pc do you have is it from time / tiny / pcworld what make and model number is it?????have you tried the F8 key did it work???do you have a windows xp pro disc???
John, April 2005
have you tried holding down F8 as soon as you turn your pc on and choosing last known good configations and have you checked your grafix cards is ok