When the power indicator is on the flame indicator is on but this should be off & the boiler will try to ignite but it wont, normaly when the power indicator is on the flame indicator is off & it will ignite the boiler. so why does the flame indicator when on does not ignite the boiler?
my boiler turns off when i run my hot water????? it can be reset but will only run for a few more mins (5to10at the most)
daz, September 2010
is this a worc boiler as the lights indicate a fault code model and number needed
deggsy, February 2010
keep losing water pressure on a saunier duval f35e
clemens, January 2009
ive got a potterton prima f boiler and it dosent alway switch on when it dose it takes along time to kick in the fan is making a whirling noise but it wont ignite is it fan/ pump or somthink else