It is quite straight forward. Isolate the water, pull off the temperature control knob, remove cir clip with small screw driver and remove water control knob. I had to use an 1" socket to get the front plate off having to give it a sharp tap to start it off. I replaced the inner workings as the shower is 24y old and was quite worn. You could simply remove inner workings and clean them up but you need a washer kit to replace the washers. I re assembled the shower using the new inner workings replacing the back fiber washer, the front brass thrust washer, the large rubber washer on the front plate and importantly the recessed internal rubber washer on the spindle hole in the front plate. When you put the front plate back make sure the water control knob turns smoothly and is not locked if it is slacken off front plate and then turn water control knob into a different position and then tighten up front plate which should fit snugly into the body. replace water control knob fixing cir clip and then push into place temperature control knob, turn off shower and then turn on water it should all work ok.
Jermy, September 2008