There can be many different reasons for this. I just took a class on this and it can be potassium, nitrogen, or phosphorus deficiency. I do not have the specifics with me right now, but depending on which leaves are yellow you can tell which one your plant is low on. I'm pretty sure if the yellow leaves are on top than it is short in nitrogen because nitrogen can spread in your plant. When you go buy a fertilizer it goes N-P-K (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) The number on the bag tells you how much of each nutrient is in the fertilizer. When you go buy fertilizer be sure you get the one with most nitrogen, because soils usually have high potassium already and phosphorus is immobile, which means it doesn't move easily through the soil. To get more phosphorus you would have to dig down to the root and put phosphorus in. Hopefully this helped some people, sorry i couldn't add more detail my notes are back at college, and I am home for winter break.
Brian, December 2007