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My steamglide wont heat up? and red light is showing on base?

In mid way through ironing my steamglide just stopped working? I have tried the other filter but no joy, it is like the red light is stopping the actual iron from heating up, it is only 6 months old but we cant find the user manual to see what the red light means, can anyone help that has a manual
Karen McGrath, October 2007
Sorry I just noticed that you had the iron only 6 months. In that case it is under warrenty. Just telephone the manufacturers or the shop you purchased from. Lost the receipt ? they can still still tell if it is under warrenty by the numbers on the iron.

Lee, October 2007
Sounds like filiment has gone. try Lewis & Lewis 02079351169 They repair irons. But my guess is that if the iron is older than 15 months and cost less than £50 then its time to buy something different.

Lee, October 2007