First off your phone as soon as water has been over or in it, this will reduce the risk of short circuit to your phone. Secondly dry it immediatly with a cloth or towel or absorbent tissue etc. Then take the battery out immediatly and the sim card out and dry them with a cloth or towel etc and leave the seperate pieces to dry. I would use a vacum cleaner and vacum around anywhere you have a hole and the keypad to remove moisture. Do this for about 4-5 minutes. Then leave to completely dry behind a vent such as a PC / Laptop vent or TV vent etc for 2-3 days or more if you can wait.
If your technically savy take the face plate off the phone. Some phones can be taken off via a credit card, and other via a Torx T6 screwdriver. Take the insides off aswell and clean them with an absorbent non scratch cloth and leave them to dry aswell for 2-3 days. Once completely dried you can put it back together and turn it on. Hopefully it works.
If it doesn't check the battery. To do this, just take your battery out and put your phone on charge, it it comes on then your battery is the problem and you may just want to get a new battery. If this doensn't help then you can leave it for another day to two and repeat the process. If the phone has got salt water (eg, in the beach, river etc) or chlorine (eg, spa, pool etc) then you will need to do the following:
- After drying the phone, get some 99% alcohol - metholated spirits or isoposals, and take your phone apart. Take a ear bud cleaner (the ones with the fine wool on the end), and poor it in the metho and just go over it on the switch board of your phone and keypad etc to remove the corrosion of the cholorine. After you have done this let it dry for 10 mins as it will evaporate quickly, and then dry it off with an absorbent towel and leave it to dry for another day or so. Now check again if it works. Patients is the key....
Torx T6 and T type screwdrivers can be purchased at your local hardware store or online if you can wait. Hope all this helps.
Mathy, January 2008