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how can i fix my nokia 3200?

my nokia 3200 isn't switching on no matter what i try how can i fix that problem
kiefer hale, April 2005
hi kiefer hale. try reload software-do not attempt to dismantle the phone.

you may dismantle the mobile phone provided the warranty expired.if you wish to explore and check what's wrong with your phone..dismantle it and use hair dryer point direct to the mother board(for at least 30 second.(avoid pointing at the LCD)

sulaiman osman, April 2007
Same thing happened to my phone but fortunately it was still under warranty. All they did was replace the on/off button and now it works fine. Other sites seem to indicate that this is a common problem.

Widds1965, May 2005
link Click here to see other fixes for Nokia.