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Zanussi WDJ 1294 not working on any programes - how to fix?

Washer dryer approx 6 yrs old
Power is good
There is no response to any of the programmes.
The door light is off
any help will be greatly appreciated
RJ, April 2005
Did anyone find out if it was the door interlock ?- i have the same problem - the machine only starts its program if you slam the door - this seems to get the door light to turn on which starts the prog.


xav, July 2007
first thing I did was replace the door lock - still not working.
next ?
It's difficult to put a meter across the connectors,
connectors are the 3 wire block, 2 oranges and 1 pink
what should the readings be, and across which wires,

Thanks again

RJ, May 2005
could be the door interlock

11, April 2005
link Click here to see other fixes for Zanussi.