Fix Fault Microsoft


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We have 6 questions about fixing 'microsoft' in category Toys, Games Consoles

does anyone know microsoft phone no i have 3 red lights on my xbox 360?

does anyone know microsoft phone no i have 3 red lights on my xbox 360


what adress does microsoft come under to send my xbox 360?

what adress does microsoft come under to send my xbox 360 please?


how do you connect an xbox 360 to the internet (wireless)?

how do you connect a xbox 360 to the internet in wireless mode without buying the microsoft wireless adaptor


Black screen for xbox 360?

When i turn my xbox 360 on, i hear the sound, but the screen is black, and ive doon everything right(turn on tv...set to tv...plugged things in right....etc...) and i would rather fix it myself than p ... more


xbox won't boot?

I switch on xbox and a message appears saying to contact microsoft service center that my console needs serviceing thats as far as it will boot.who can i contact in uk


How can i fix my xbox? (microsoft)?

When i plug in and turn on my xbox warning light flashes red.I cannot get any futher than that.Nothing else happens.


Fix Fault - Toys, Games Consoles

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