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where is interior light located on the Breville micriwave BRE799GMSSE?

where is interior light located on the Breville micriwave BRE799GMSSE
derick, February 2008
My mistake - I've just taken the cover off and its behind the mesh bit on the right. If you take the cover off its on the right hand side hanging down into the bit that guides the microwaves in to the box. It says on it MTR230V20W.R. its a screw type. its about 55mm long and the bulb is about 22mm wide. Hope that helps

Bcr, February 2008
If you open the doors its on the right hand side, half way down. Its behind and above the translucent panel on the right which is secured by one screw, the other 3 corners being held in place by 3 folds/cuts in the metal. If you want to change the bulb (which is how I ended up here) I think youve got to take the whole cover off.

Bcr, February 2008
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