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my son put a magnet on our T.V. screen...color blotches?

Is there any way to remove color blotches that resulted from a magnet placed on the screen of our television?
E.M. Girdham, June 2004
My 3 year old daughter did the same to our tv a few months ago i thought it was finished even called the house insurance to make a claim but then she turned it off at the mains when i worked out what she'd done turned it back on the blotches had gone....must be the youngest tv engineer around i'll get to fix the brakes on the wifes car next.

Hope this helps.

Mike Jenkins.

Mike Jenkins, July 2004
The blotches you mention, typically green and purple, should fade with time if the TV degaussing circuit is working OK. They can fade anyway, but if they don't a repair technician should be able to de-gauss the TV for you. Also see ....


Jules, June 2004