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my picture bends in at each side!?

my picture bends in on my phillips 28in widescreen, but when i view it in superwidescreen its fine. how can i fix it????
Sime, July 2004
If the E-W alignment is ok on some modes then it means the circuit involved is working ok. This means you have a software corruption problem. If you look around the back of the set there's a socket to connect a computer to adjust software. Philps dealers also have a service remote to do the same thing in a customers house. I'm afraid your only cure is to contact a dealer, your local friendly (cheap) engineer working from a shed in his garden probably won't have the gear to do the work.

Mike Mitchell, July 2004
The same thing happns with mine, and some of the picture isn't displayed because of the bending right? Very annoying

C.J., July 2004