Fan replacement Worcester 28CDI?
To all those who helped with my air flow problem, thank you. Upon taking off the front seal it was apparent that the fan was the problem. One of the small blades on the fan had come off not sure how, but I suppose it could have been age. Anyway, have looked for replacement part and it seems I need to buy a complete new unit as the little plastic fan can't be bought seperately, is this correct? It seems the replacement fan unit is £70.00 - £80.00 plus vat, but I only want a small bit of plastic rather than the whole unit. Is there anyway of just getting the little plastic fan (seems so small compared to size of the boiler) or do I need to get a whole replacement fan unit? If I do need to buy a replacement fan unit can I fix it (fairly competent) or is it an engineer/plumber job?
Any advice or help gratefully received, thank you
Wendy, October 2008