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Why can't my computer open Cab Files?

I have tried to install some software and my computer says that it can't open a Cab File. I have also recently tried to re-install software and had the same error. Why can't I now install a program which I have previously installed without any problems? What is causing my PC to think that it can't open Cab files?
Jon, November 2003
Have you made sure that your CMOS settings in the BIOS are set correctly. Make sure only drives you have are set to AUTO. All the others should be set to NONE.

Typically for one hardisk set..
IDE Primary Master = Auto
IDE Primary Slave = None
IDE Secondary Master = None
IDE Secondary Slave = None

Spike, January 2004
I have this problem too, but it is not this simple. With [PIO Only] set my computer will read MSI and CAB files from CDs, but not burn CDRs. With [DMA if available] set I can burn CDRs, but my computer won't read MSI and CAB files.


John Rayner, January 2004
I had this recently. Try this....

Go to Control Panel.
Click "System".
Click the "Hardware" tab.
Click the "Device Manager" button.
Expand the IDE entry
Your CD drive is probably on the secondary IDE channel. Double click the entry.
Click the "Advanced Settings" tab.
If there is a drop down list for ‘Transfer Mode’, set it to PIO.

Julian, November 2003