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How to unlock hotel mode sony bravia kdl26p300h?

Hi how do i turn off hotel mode on my sony bravia kdl26p300h, i cant even change the time! most annoying, any help would be greatly appriciated. thanks
lee, November 2008
Comment débloquer hôtel le mode Sony Bravia klv-s26a10

didosat, May 2013
plz send the images of the remote how to set the hotel mode sound setting..............

abdul, March 2013
I am trying to get a20s4000 out of hotel mode,
But as the tv doesn't respond to the remote control to put it into stanby, to enter service mode using the usual remote sequence, how the heck can I get the tv to "listen" to the RC again?
Many thanks in advance,

Rick, September 2012
CTV in stby.
Use key`s
1+ - 5 - vol+ hold those 3 bottoms in
min. 5sek.
Turn on CTV and use (format) key,
then green meny appears.
use nummer keys 3 and 8 TT38
and then (MENU) key, appears.
use again nummer keys 3 and 8 and then (MENU)
key, you are now in Hotel mode where you
can enter Clock - Vol max - ect.
to leave,use again (Menu) key 35 and (format key)
TT38 go to meny TT35 leave and lock.
remenber (format key)
The first time you have entered TT38 you can leave
with (format key) and tune your TV set, and make
the settings.
Then you can go to Hotel mode and lock with TT35
leave with (format key).

G.Graff, March 2011
Use 1+ 5 vol+ hold 5 sek.
then 38 with nummerkeys and you can use
38 menu several times, until you are in servicemode
close with 35 TT35.
Open with TT38

G.Graff, March 2011
same question but for sony bravia 32 ex300? anyone pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase?

Dr. Suliman, September 2010
link Click here to see other fixes for Sony Bravia.