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Ideal mexico 2 floor standing boiler?

Ideal mexico 2 floor standing boiler?
The pilot light is lit, the boiler fires up as it should but
a few minutes later pilot light and main jets all go out.
can't re-light until all cools down, then same thing happens again.

martin, November 2008
first port of call.........pump ! no circulation

mark the gay boiler man, November 2008
Rather than the gasvalve it sounds like the t/couple is breaking down.Also check that the boiler isnt starting to soot up.

Tony S, November 2008
it sounds like gas valve in the boiler may be breaking down and failing or your pump could be faulty and not pulling the hot water out off your boiler making your over heat stat in the boiler to stop the boiler,,, till the stat cools off and lets the gas valve open again the boiler will not work

these are just 2 off the most common reasons of meny

hope this gives you some help

gasman, November 2008