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Hotpoint Ultima 1200 Error E15?

What does error code E15 mean on a Hotpoint Untima 1200 Washing Machine mean?
Mark Wardle, December 2003
outlet is blocked:-
probably filter blockage - remove lower back panel to access
pipe (upper), then remove clip and pull out plastic filter to clean.

paul nolan, August 2005
E12 no mixed fill

Make sure the water to both hoses are on !
If there is water then it will be a faulty Valve
Take out the 3 screw which hold the top on slide the top off. You will see the valves where the hoses connect to.
If you have a multimeter check the solenoid for o/c.
If you have no idea what i am talking about get help from a Pro. or take the valves out and take them to the Local Repair shop! Warning ! never work on LIVE Equipment disconnect from Power Point.

Stan the Man, January 2004
link Click here to see other fixes for Hotpoint Ultima.