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How can i make my bobbin wind up?

I have an old Jones1681 sewing machine from about 15-20years ago. I have just started using it again but the bobbin will not wind my cotton on now. The wheel is spinning but doesn't seem to be catching the bobbin to wind cotton on. I can't manually wind cotton on all the time, I need the bobbin winder. Help please?
Sue s, May 2009
Hello Sue,
I thgink what is happenning is the pin on the winder is not engaging with the bobbin if the winder is spinning but not catching the bobbin, you will have to physically bend the bobbin winder stop down a fraction to push the bobbin on a bit more, or if when you push the winder down to wind the bobbin the rubber wheel is not engaging with the balance wheel then you need to slacken off the screw on the side, push the winder onto the wheel and then tighten the screw up.

drivewithken, May 2009