How can I fix my faulty CDP M26?
More often than not, when I switch on and press button to open drawer and insert cd then close the drawer it makes a noise then drawer opens, on pressing button again to close it opens again if when it closes again I lightly hold the draw shut for afew seconds then let go the noise ceasesand draw remains closed OK WE`RE OFF, until about three-quarters of the way through playing and then player has a hiccup and goes back and repeats play ie say part-way through track 8 hiccup occurs and it starts playing part-way through track 7 until it reaches same position on track 8 it hiccups again and again until I fast forward through track 8 or just skip forward to track 9 and it plays ok to end of cd. Is it a lost cause or is it possibleto be fixed at minimal cost. ?
Bern Watts aged 70., August 2009