Just had new boiler put in. Got new pack of Danfoss (programmer plus other bits in box) The installer just used the programmer and I still have the other bits as he said didnt need them. The water and boiler are not working independently no matter how I program it and the temperature of the radiators is boiling. The room thermostat does not control the heating as I have now put on lowest and everything is still hot. Can someone tell me what is wrong as I am paying for heating when it is boiling outside can only keep water on for short period as heating comes on as well
i'd agree with elanar.co.uk re the wiring but not the part p; a 5day course doesn't make you a competent or good sparkie
joe anon, November 2009
Called the guy who put boiler in came and has now everything is off no heat or hot water. He is saying programmer(brand new) has burnt out pcb board but I think it is either he has wired wrong or not put in the new items I gave him he has now out in the new motorised item that was in the box (which I think he should have put in in the first place. Saying now I have to buy another programmer as these things happen (faulty programmers) Can someone tell me what they think is happening. He has also said that 240 volts has been continuosly going up to the loft with the tank.
The water was just boiling hot every time I put the water on and if I turned up the thermostat the water came on even if the programmer is not set to come on. if i turned thermostat right down water goes off. i dont believe him
browneye, October 2009
Sounds like your Installer has Got the Wiring badly wrong, make sure he has Part P Electrical Qualification
www.elanar.co.uk, August 2009
At this stage, don't meddle with it yourself, call the installer back and get him to sort it.